Holiday stress appears much like daily stress and can be felt by anyone! This stress can appear for a multitude of reasons including overwhelming schedules, stress with deadlines from school or work and socializing more with family and friends to name a few. If you notice any of these signs and symptoms of anxiety or stress within your family, here are some tips to identify and manage holiday stress this season! 1. Stick to the Schedule It can get easy to lose track of time during the holidays, so keeping a consistent daily schedule (bedtime routine, feeding schedule, etc.) will be beneficial to regulating stress. 2. Notice, Listen and Translate Babies, children, and teens figure out the world by watching and listening to their parent’s reactions. As parents, this opens an opportunity to both notice on how stress affects you and how it shows up in your child. Once these behavioral and emotional changes are identified, create space to listen and talk through these signs and symptoms to help organize your family’s feelings. 3. Plan ahead Usually, there are lots of events to attend during the holidays that can be overwhelming to manage time for. Creating an action plan helps your family acknowledge limitations, rehearse ways to communicate needs and to check-in with yourself to form healthy boundaries surrounding the holiday time. If you notice symptoms continuing after the holidays, consider exploring mental health services by a professional to address your key stressors and build ways to cope within your life. |